Monday, April 27, 2009

April 27 - A Day I Remember

My father died April 27, 1992, 17 years ago today, about 5 weeks after turning 70. He died in his sleep, taking a nap in the house I was raised in, and now own with my wife, Roze. This is to remember him, and to thanks him for the ability I seem to have inherited to not sweat the small stuff. He was an artist at heart, a great friend, child of his era, orphan, uncle, husband and father. From him I got the gift of music, my love for gardening and nature, and my ability to be the diplomat. So I'll take a few minutes today as I walk among the just-sprouting plants, seedlings and newly-planted veggies to remember my dad, Jim Malone Sr., "Knuckles" to his loved ones.